Inscription don't give up on the placard above crumpled papers. Exhilarating, motivational text for moving forward. Overcoming difficulties concept.In Case You Need Urgent Help   

If ever you are feeling hopeless, suicidal or wanting to self-harm, or even simply in need of speaking with someone outside of your therapy sessions, there are numerous free and anonymous hotlines with trained operators available 24/7.

If you think you have a medical emergency please call your doctor or local emergency service immediately:

Emergency Ambulance / Fire / Police Services

  • Australia: Ph 000 or 112
  • Ireland: Ph 999 or 112
  • NZ: Ph 111 or 112
  • UK: Ph 999 or 112

Medical Poisoning Emergencies

Emotional Crisis Charity Organisation Support & Suicide Prevention

Mental Health Crisis Government Health Services


joyous man standing victorious at end of tunnel with light shining to guide the way outThere are many more organisations available in your area, but hopefully these can be a starting point in your search for the one that is best for you.


Alcohol / Substance Abuse 

Anger Management / Stopping Violent Behaviours

Blind / Low Vision Support

Children & Teenagers Emotional Support

  • AUS: Kids Helpline: Ph +61 1800 55 1800 or use chat box online
  • Ireland: Childline: Ph +353 1800 666 666 or use chat box online
  • NZ: What’s Up: Ph +64  800 942 8787 or email or use chat box online
  • UK: Childline: Ph +44 800 1111 or use chat box online

Child Safety & Protection Concerns

Disability Support

Domestic / Family Violence Victims

Gambling Addiction

Hearing & Speech Communication Support

LGBTI Issues

Pregnancy / Sexual Health

Sexual Abuse Victims

Stop Sexually Concerning / Offending Behaviours

Suicide Bereavement 

Victims Of Crime Support


“Success if not final; Failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”